Czech Butterflies and Moths

Welcome to Kolacek's Gallery of Butterflies, a collection of photos of adult butterflies and moths as well as their caterpillars and eggs.

This site currently contains more than 9000 photos of 1078 Lepidoptera species. Almost all the photos have been taken in various natural habitats througout the Czech Republic. The few exceptions are moths usually found in our homes, such as the notorious Common Clothes Moth or Indian Meal Moth. Many moths and Microlepidoptera have been photographed after being attracted to UV light or fermented fruit bait. Species extinct in the Czech Republic have been photographed in neighbouring countries.

The entire site is in Czech, however all photos in the gallery are tagged with both Czech and scientific names and there are alphabetical index of scientific names and systematic lists of butterflies, moths and micro-moths with Czech and scientific names to let you navigate through the content.

You can also start with the list of recently added photos or most popular species (both pages in Czech with thumbnails).

dlouhozobka svízelová otakárek fenyklový otakárek ovocný babočka admirál babočka paví oko batolec duhový babočka kopřivová jasoň červenooký pestrokřídlec podražcový

About Me

Grown up in the urban area of Prague, I have been amazed by the scarce beauty and endless diversity of nature and its cratures since childhood. This later combined with my interest in photography to become a great passion for finding and observing butterflies and moths and capturing images of them. I do not capture the creatures themselves, giving up on exact identification of some species.

I have set up this website not just to share my photos with the crowd but also to educate general public about the existence of wonderful insects right here in Central Europe as knowing about them is the first step to realizing the threat of extinction many of them are facing and the need to protect natural diversity in our part of the world.


You can e-mail me at kolas-at-kolas-dot-cz or like page on Facebook.


All contents and photographs copyrigt Marek Vojtisek, © 2004-2024. Permission must be obtained from the author for any use of any images from the entire website.

okáč bojínkový soumračník čárečkovaný modrásek tolicový bělopásek dvouřadý dlouhozobka chrastavcová okáč ječmínkový perleťovec stříbropásek kropenatec jetelový ohniváček černoskvrnný

Photographic Equipment

DSLR bodies:
Since June 2013: Canon EOS 7D
August 2007 - May 2013: Canon EOS 30D
2005-2007: Canon EOS 350D

Lenses and accessories:
Since summer 2014: Canon Speedlite 430 EX II
Since January 2012: SMC Pentax 1:3.5/24
Since March 2011: Canon EF 100/2.8 IS L Macro
Since January 2006: Sigma 180/3.5 EX DG Macro
2006-2008: Sigma 50/2.8 EX DG Macro
2005 - 2010: Sigma 105/2.8 EX DG Macro
Since 2005: Kenko extension tubes

Previous cameras:
2004: Olympus Camedia C-750, Olympus MCON-40 macro conversion lens
2001-2003: Olympus Camedia C-700, Olympus MCON-40 macro conversion lens
2000: Canon EOS 300 SLR

Kolacek's Gallery of ButterfliesMotýl

  Motýli Články Kvízy Odkazy Novinky Autor English
Systematic List
Alphabetical Index
Thumbnail Guide
Detailed Views
Most Popular Species
Area Coverage Map
Vybraný motýl

Drvopleň hrušňový - samec
Drvopleň hrušňový - Zeuzera pyrina

Oblíbené druhy motýlů
dlouhozobka svízelováohniváček celíkovýbabočka osiková
hnědásek chrastavcovýbourovec trávový
okáč poháňkový
Koláčkova galerie motýlů

Koláčkova galerie motýlů © Marek Vojtíšek, 2004-2025 | Založeno 3. 6. 2004 | Naposledy aktualizováno 9. 2. 2025
Jakékoli užití fotografií a textů publikovaných na webu je možné pouze s písemným svolením autora.